Monday, October 20, 2008

Nancy Drew and the missing books

I was obsessed with Nancy Drew as a kid. I used to check out a book from the school library during recess and finish it by the end of lunch. Then I'd rush back to the library after school to check out another book to read at home. Our library had some strange one-book-at-a-time checkout policy for kids. I read Hardy Boys from time to time too, but Frank and Joe had nothing on Nancy, Bess and George (and sometimes Ned).

When I saw this at a bookstore, my hear practically leaped. The whole set of the original 56 Nancy Drew books! In original yellow hardcovers and original illustrations!!! I never quite managed to read all 56, that was always a secret sorrow. I decided not to buy it though, what's a 20-something woman going to do with 1st grade reading level books? If I have a daughter, I'm buying that set first thing though.

But I did decide to complete a more age-appropriate book collection though. More tomorrow.

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